International Groups

We are more than happy to support individuals and families from around the world.

There are many Ectodermal Dysplasia support organisations already set up in many countries.  Please see below for the countries who currently have a support organisation.

If there is not a support organisation in your country and you would like to form one, please contact us and we will be very happy to help you.

The ED International Community Leaders have joined together as a Committee and hold meetings every 18 months to work together in bringing awareness of Ectodermal Dysplasia and to share information and research project news worldwide

 (Click on the Country for access to their website)

EDIN – Ectodermal Dysplasia International Network

Argentina – ADEA Asociacion Displasia Ectodrmica Argentina 

Australia – Australian Ectodermal Dysplasia Support Group (ozED)
Belarus – (e-mail link)
Canada – Canadian Ectodermal Dysplasia Syndromes Association (CEDSA)
China -(e-mail link)
Denmark – Ectodermal Dysplasia Dk
Egypt – (e-mail link)
France – Association Francaise Dysplasies Ectodermiques (AFDE)
Germany/Austria/Switzerland – Selbsthilfegruppe Ektodermale Dysplasie e.V.
Hungary – (e-mail link)
Ireland – Ectodermal Dysplasia Society (e-mail link)
India – (e-mail link)

Italy – Associazione Nazionale Displasia Ectodermica (ANDE)

Italy – EEC/P63 international Group

Mexico – Asociacion Mexicana de Displasia Ectodermica Mariana, A.C (AMDEM)
Netherlands/Belgium/Luxemburg -Ectodermal Dysplasia the Netherlands
Norway – Norsk ED forening (e-mail link)
Pakistan –  (e-mail link)
Poland – Jestesmy
Russia – Ectodermal Dysplasia Russia
Singapore – (e-mail link)
South Africa – (e-mail link)
Spain – Asociacion de Afectados por Displasia Ectodermica (AADE)
Sweden – Svenska Ed-föreningen
Turkey – Ectodermal Dysplasia Group Turkey
USA – National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED)