Should I have the Covid vaccine?
The COVID-19 vaccine provides the best protection against coronavirus. Three vaccines for COVID-19 have currently been approved for use in the UK: the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine; the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine; and the Moderna vaccine. Both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines are already being given to people at sites across the UK. The Moderna vaccine has only recently been approved and is not expected to be available in the UK until Spring 2021.
For general information about the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit the NHS website.
It is entirely up to you if you wish to have the vaccine or not. We cannot comment/advise anyone and it is probably a question for your doctor if you are really unsure. The one thing we are aware of which should be carefully checked before having it is any allergies.
The website has published information on the vaccine which is will give you the facts and hopefully answer concerns you may have – What to expect after your COVID-19 vaccination
Do you have questions about the new COVID-19 vaccines and allergies? have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions, with answers compiled with the assistance of a clinical panel and members of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
You can access full information on the vaccines, here – Covid-19 Vaccines and Allergies

When will I be offered the COVID-19 vaccine?
The NHS is currently offering the COVID-19 vaccine to people most at risk from coronavirus. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has published advice on priority groups for COVID-19 vaccination, which can be found here.
If I have been shielding, should I continue to shield after I have received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Current government advice for people who are considered clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 (people in the shielding group) is that, even if you have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, you should continue to follow shielding advice until further notice, while the impact of vaccination continues to be assessed.
Struggling to get the vaccine early due to Ectodermal Dysplasia and being your child’s carer?
We know many of our ED members have been facing troubles with being recognised as clinically extremely vulnerable, resulting in being pushed further down the wait list to receive a Covid-19 vaccine.
Also, now unpaid carers who get Carer’s Allowance, or who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill, should be prioritised alongside people with underlying health conditions. This means unpaid carers will now be in priority group 6: (see Covid-19 Greenbook).
Our advice to you now would be to ask your GP to mark your medical record with a “carers flag”. It’s a good idea to register as a carer with your GP, regardless of access to the coronavirus vaccines, as this will mean they can identify you for health checks and a flu jab and it will help your GP make reasonable adjustments for the person you care for if needed. There shouldn’t be a reason for your GP to refuse this.
Many of our ED members have faced trouble with being recognised as clinically extremely vulnerable, resulting in being pushed further down the wait list to receive a Covid-19 vaccine. We have successfully helped some of our ED community with letters, now granting them the Covid vaccine earlier.
If you feel you have been missed and need help getting the vaccine sooner to enable you to return to work etc. or if you’re GP has asked for a letter of support to show clinical vulnerability in order for you to be moved into the correct category, please use the letter below –
Carers/vulnerable letter for approval of Covid-19 Vaccine early – March 2021
Please email for any further help and information.